Days Until Christmas....

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Little More Green...and Stain Fighter!

This week, another Earth Day passed by.  On that day we were traveling to visit family, but we have been doing things a little more natural/green around our house.  We already compost, recycle, try to keep lights off that are not in use, use cloth bags for shopping, and the list goes on.....

I can almost always think of another way to get back to basics, which typically comes with a smaller price tag, and becoming a little more green in the process.  There always seems to be more ways to be just a little more earth-friendly.  

So.....this past few weeks, I incorporated a stain-fighter into my laundry process that is awesome.  I found it on Pinterest, and I've noticed it on many blog sites.  Anyway, it works much better than the Shout! or Spray and Wash that I've always picked up in the grocery store.  It makes me wonder why we stopped using what worked once to begin with?  I'm quite sure my Great Grandmother didn't go to the General Store and ask for Spray and Wash!  Did we change because we wanted what was advertised, what was conveniently put in a spray bottle for us? Did we want the extra cost?  Did we want the pretty colored bottle to set in our laundry room?  Hmmmm.  It makes me wonder.  

It took minutes to put these things together in a (recycled) spray bottle:
  6 TBSP Baking Soda.  
  2/3 Cup Ammonia
  2 Cups Warm Water
  2/3 Blue Dawn   (I use the WalMart Generic of Blue Dawn).
FYI - Put the liquid Dawn in last or it foams.  Mix all ingredients gently in a bowl, and pour in a spray bottle with a funnel (made out of a recycled soda bottle with the bottom cut off, if you need a handy funnel!)      

I use it on colors and whites and have been pleased.  After the first mix, you don't have to heat to make it work...just give the bottle a gentle tip back and forth (it separates a bit when unused for a bit) and spray away those stains. Spray and launder right away, or just spray the stain and throw it into the laundry to wait until you do your next load!  Either way, it's wonderful stuff.   (My hubby likes the look of his white shirt collars).  

No more extra spray bottles to plop into the landfill.  No more hunting down coupons for your stain fighter to help out on the grocery bill.  No more extra fragrances from a chemical concoction created by a factory.  Just back to basics.  

I've been doing a lot more "green things" lately.  I'll blog about more of them soon!  
